About this course

What is it?

Focus comprises 12 modules that have been designed for learners aged 14+ with additional needs, specifically those who are learning in a domestic setting.

Modules can be undertaken separately and built into a profile of achievement. For each module learners complete activities and gather evidence to demonstrate their progress and skill development in a particular area, such as communication and numeracy, independent living, work-related learning or sport and leisure.

Focus is easy to set up and administrate – simply purchase resources below to get started.

If you're interested in person-centred programmes that meet the needs of SEND learners, take a look at My Independence, our suite of four certificated programmes aimed at young people with a range of special educational needs.

You do not need an ASDAN membership to deliver FocusRaising Aspirations and Employability Skills Development. Just register as a non-member to get started.


To teach this course you must have one of these membership types:

  • Programmes Plus
  • Programmes
  • Qualifications
  • Non-Member

Already a member? Sign in

Who is it for?

Focus is intended for adults, or those approaching adulthood, with additional learning needs, and adults for whom English is not their first language.

Focus can be used in a wide range of settings, such as:

  • care/residential homes
  • home education
  • colleges working with ESOL learners

It is ideal for those working with a small number of learners as you do not need to be a registered ASDAN centre to access these resources. Although the programme has been developed for candidates aged 14 and over, it can be used pre-14 if appropriate.

Facts and figures

  • Modules to support learners aged 14 and over with SEND
  • Available to registered and non-registered centres
  • Certificates of achievement can be awarded at the discretion of the tutor


Each candidate will need one copy of the module book(s) they are working towards. As they complete activities within the book, candidates also build up a portfolio of evidence, showing how they have developed and practised their skills.

There are 12 modules available, each one focusing on a different area of skills development (click on the titles to download a sample copy):


An optional guidance booklet is available to support mentors and supervisors delivering the Focus programme.


Tutors can reward learners' achievements using internally-awarded certificates.

Certificates are available as a free download to print:

Focus is easy to set up and administrate – simply purchase resources below to get started.

If you are not a member of ASDAN, please register as a non-member to get started.


Item Price
Focus module books (one per learner, per module) £11
Focus guidance and resources (optional) £28
Focus certificates (optional, pack of 5) £7 +VAT
Focus certificates (optional, pack of 20) £12 +VAT

Products can be purchased below.
